Graphic, thrilling, dark


⭑⭑⭑⭑  I don't know how to review The Echo Man. On one hand it clearly contains a vast amount of deep research into true crime stories of the past. That diligence is reflected in this fast-paced horror show on wheels containing quite a lot of graphic violence of every sort imaginable. On the other hand the story played out in a relatively predictable manner. I've said in many previous reviews that the books I like best are those where I cannot figure out who the killer is. Here I nailed it pretty early on and could even suss the twist. Not to say it wasn't shocking and, well, graphic. It was but the 'ah ha!' moment fell a bit short for me.

Regardless, the story gripped me and even the heavy-handed distribution of gore, violence, abuse all described very graphically didn't put me off. That's saying something. A good story, with characters a reader can get behind is king.


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