Get to know the real Hercules


 ⭑⭑⭑⭑ Strangely, I've never given Hercules much time. He is the least interesting of all the heroes (except for maybe Theseus. Not a fan of his either) even with his habit of killing those close to him. His 12 labours I know, but much of his story is a mystery to me beyond that. Strong, he may be, but always viewed as a bit of a dullard, his is a tragic tale but maybe not tragic enough?

Herc gives a number of fresh perspectives on the life of Hercules as it is narrated by those who knew him best. What a great way to breathe fresh life into Herc's existence! Fun and fully enjoyable, unless you are one of the many who died by his hand, this was a treat. I did learn quite a lot about him and could see the good and bad of the man. Whether he was as dull a dunce as I always suspected, I couldn't say, but this story of his life was such a fun outing, it didn't matter.


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