One of the most impressive books I have ever read

⭑⭑⭑⭑⭑  I have dragged out the completion of this book for as long as possible, not wanting it to end. I knew from the first few magical chapters that this novel would speak to me on a level rarely reached and I was right. I feel emotionally drained by the conclusion and the journey to reach it. Not in a bad way but in a heartened, hopeful and even saddened way. This book is a true wonder that requires much thought and pondering. It won't be for everyone but it definitely raises a good many questions about people and our selfish, thoughtless impact on this planet. For trees, in particular.

The beginning of this book was pure bliss. The 'Roots' portion of the novel was elegantly written and easily absorbed, like a sponge. As you progress further into the book the going gets harder but it is well worth it as the characters who were introduced to us intermingle and come together in various different ways. By 'Crown' and 'Seeds' story arches are coming to conclusion and painful realizations occur.

I'm not sure a book has ever wrung me out emotionally and taken me through such a wide range of feelings as this. It was beautiful beyond description - even in the later, more convoluted sections. The Overstory is sure to stay with me for quite a long time. I know we are meant to do nothing but I feel charged to plant more than a few trees this spring.


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