Not very true to ancient Greek myth

3 stars

Hhhmm...How to rate Daughter of Chaos? I think 3 stars as it is based on Greek myth. A star for originality and making Greek myth accessible to a wider audience. There are so many interesting tales and lessons to be learned from Greek myth. Rich stories full of action, adventure, drama, tragedy, love, cruelty and all sorts of ugliness. But, on the whole, beautiful given its enduring power and ancient roots, which should always be respected.

But, though I can accept a bit of tinkering with myths, to give more detail and depth, I don't hold with disregarding inconvenient facts and making wholesale changes to suit a made up character's narrative. Danae, the 'fictional' main character, does not belong with Jason and Argonauts and much of what transpires is not based on the source material, be warned if you were not aware. The butterfly effect of her injection to the story does change things but not in the way this book plays out. There are just too many crucial changes/mistakes to be believed, I'm afraid. No one with a passing knowledge of Greek myth would believe Apollo is the patron god of Athens. The clue is in the name and to get that so wrong, or to change it out of convenience, is just bad form. Greek myth fake news that some might believe is true to the ancient myths.

There are plenty of good and bad points to the changes made to the quest of Jason and the Argonauts, and I could list them, but let's leave it by saying this was entertaining but not as sensitive an adaptation as I might have liked.


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