Wow! Just wow!
5 stars
Every now and then I stumble upon a non-fiction marvel that takes my breath away. The Light Eaters was exactly that type of book. Approachable for non-botanists, full of amazing, mind boggling possibilities, it opened up the world of plant life in a new direction for me.
It makes sense that plants would have intelligence and communication skills beyond our understanding. Just because they may be fixed to the ground does not mean they are without some type of agency and ability to defend themselves or protect their kin. I absolutely loved The Light Eaters and the way Zoe Schlanger expressed awe at each discovery or the research underway.
It seems revolutionary to harness the ability of food crops to call upon insects to reduce plant-pests instead of relying on pesticides, which weaken plants and is so devastating to the natural world. This goes well beyond the mycorrhizal network, possibly hand-in-hand with it? My mind is blown! And that is just the tip of the iceberg.
I hope you, too, will enjoy this incredible peak into the secret world of plants with The Light Eaters. It makes me wish I had devoted my time to learning about botany in this age of wonders.
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