The magical mysteries of the sea


☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ In Playground Richard Powers does for the sea and AI what he accomplished for trees in The Overstory. Both exceptional tales taking personal stories from disparate, seemingly unlinked characters and weaving them with nature and each other. I loved The Overstory with a capital L. It spun a yarn my soul was yearning for. Playground strikes a similar chord but with a titch less punch, as I knew what I was signing on to from this talented author. No matter, Playground is an excellent story, in its own right, essential reading in understanding and preserving our planet and its dwindling resources.

Playground is a gorgeous novel filled with tenderness, awe and ingenuity. Ways of life so different if you compare Montreal, Chicago and the west coast of America to Makatea in French Polynesia but all important locations for our characters. Each character is special and talented in their own way and face challenges as they grow and learn to apply their abilities. I felt pretty smug smug in the knowledge that I could anticipate the arch of the story but was blown away by events I should have foreseen. I was a blubbering mess by the end and felt a mix of emotion that still feels raw days later. A rich story I heartily recommend, most especially if you love the sea or feel a pull to the mysteries it holds.


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