Not as I had hoped
⭑⭑⭑ I am conflicted in my views on No Season but the Summer. I enjoyed the fresh aspect of ancient gods Demeter, Persephone, Hades, Zeus living in current day Oxford and the conflicts they face. It added a different level to these characters. Especially Hades. He was given a revamp that made him almost animal-like. Not sure how I felt about that but it worked here in context. Zeus...hilarious. Spot on!
But, given Demeter and Persephone have been doing this seasonal dance for thousands of years it just seemed tired? I didn't especially click with either of them and didn't feel invested in their fight (though in principle I am always against tearing down ancient, mature trees to put in a road). Demeter for all her protestations re: Hades and 'the deal' didn't seem too keen on her daughter when she was with her. She just cracked on with her veg patch and ignoring 'progress'. And Persephone just seemed wet, a cardboard cutout of a character. She belonged nowhere and didn't seem happy regardless where she was. The activist angle was interesting but it felt pointless. I wanted our gods to correct the imbalance of human existence somehow. I was worn down by the constant rehash of past events over and over again. Therapy would have helped them all immeasurably.
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