A thrilling end to a magical trilogy
⭑⭑⭑⭑⭑ Slaughtered Gods delivered a cracking end to a gripping series. A book I was so anxious to read but one I was loath to finish. I eked it out as long as I could drip feeding myself the story to savour it longer thus delaying the end. It finished in a style befitting its glorious Norse mythology. I couldn't be happier with the way the fates tied all the threads. The strength of the story remained steadfast and enduring. A monumental achievement, this.
Trilogies are difficult as the final book is often anticlimactic. Not so, here. Ragnarok, that huge carnage inducing battle between gods and giants, was the anchoring point of this novel. All the characters we grew to know and care for over the previous books face the seemingly endless night battle in different ways offering heroic feats and understanding behind the way of things. Mysteries are solved as the story unfolds bringing peace to some and a few reunions as well. It was masterfully written and that dedication to the story translated well on the page. The Hanged Gods Trilogy is sure to become a cult classic and deservedly so.
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