The story of a life lived

 ⭑⭑⭑⭑⭑  Lessons is a rich and epic story of our times. In following the life of Roland Baines from childhood we see the events of history, from the Cuban Missile Crisis to covid, through his eyes and his life's experiences. We feel these events in a fresh way making them as vivid as the days in which they happened. The political and social implications of events carries Roland along. At times he fights the system to improve society or better the lives of friends while at others he works to protect himself letting troubles pass him by. I had forgotten what an eventful time this period has been. Living through moments that feel so essential at the time they occur but fade away with time's gentle eraser. This novel brings it all back sharply in such a gorgeous fashion. The power of Ian McEwan's writing is truly a force of nature.

A beautiful novel both touching and full of such promise that fully delivers, easily, on that promise. Roland could be so much but his formative years are scarred in ways that change him making his life flitting from one thing to another more transitory than he might have expected. One thing anchors him, though, love. The love he feels for family and friends guides and sustains him. Such a wonderful novel of history and the scars life leaves on us all.


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