Strange, yes, but so brilliant
⭑⭑⭑⭑⭑ Mrs March may be the strangest book I've read in a while. It's difficult to pigeonhole it and stick labels to it. It simply defies reasonable logic which is why it has taken me so long to review it and why it's so delicious to read.
There are no rules here. Mrs March is an unraveling woman making her wholly entertaining for us, the readers, as we watch her spiral out of society-defined norms. It's almost a guilty read as we gawk at her antics and wonder where it could all lead. Where it leads is not difficult to suss out but the journey there is quite a perilous one.
I went to bed early on more than one night so as to dive back into the off-kilter world of Mrs March. I am beyond thrilled Elizabeth Moss is making her into a film as no one can do tortured and expressive facial ticks quite like the talented Ms. Moss. A great read so worth the time. I couldn't recommend this more.
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