Sharp, touching, perfect

⭑⭑⭑⭑⭑  Invisible Girl proved to be the perfect book for me this week. It was entirely charming and lovable with generous dollops of teen angst and a number of heavy issues, as well. Tender and full of characters worth caring for it didn't deliver the gut punch of Then She Was Gone but left me contented by the close. Lisa Jewell is such a reliable author and this book reinforced the high esteem I hold her in. A real winner for those who like thrillers that aren't gruesome or scary but a bit more personal.

There are lots of moving plates in the air at any one time during this book and the interplay between them was well executed. I was anxious to know what happened and didn't see many of the twists coming. I had a fair few hypotheses brewing in my head but was well of the mark, which always pleases me as I like a good surprise.

Yes, I have avoided a plot summary. If you got this far in my review you certainly don't want me dropping a zinger that may spoil the sharply constructed story. Needless to say, I loved it and am going back to Ms. Jewell's bookography to see what might be next up as this warmed my heart and reminded me what a jewel this author truly is. Thanks and enjoy!


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