A great thriller

⭑⭑⭑⭑  I can see the allure of C.J. Tudor's skilled writing in this latest novel, The Other People. It's brave, it's heartbreaking, it's a fast moving full-on thriller. At first I mistakenly likened it to The Silver Road by Stina Jackson but the similarities faded swiftly. They are two, decidedly, different novels though both share a heartbroken father who takes to the road questing after a lost daughter. Both are brilliant, by the way!

The Other People was a novel I could not put down. There were so many puzzles I wanted desperately to understand and make sense of. It flummoxed me and that was the draw. I loved my inability to grasp the threads - and there were many - and twist them into something logical. It was well conceived and well executed and kept me reading late into the night.

Gabe, our tortured father, was the sort of person you would pity if you met him in the flesh and found out he was looking for his daughter, the one police said had been murdered along side his wife. A real nightmare but we, the reader, push him along and hope for a positive outcome. The secondary set of characters deliver more questions than answers but the interwoven mysteries enhance the plot in an addict manner. I didn't know who these people were and why they were present but when the reasoning is revealed it is simply genius. A great read that will keep your eyes glued to the page, The Other People is a satisfying thriller.


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