Hooray! A new Slough House novel - Joe Country

⭑⭑⭑⭑⭑ I feel like a broken
record having reviewed each of the Slough House books with 5 stars. Joe Country is no exception. This is, for me, one of the very best, most enjoyable spy series and I sing its praises loudly with each new offering.
Joe Country contains all the joyous hallmarks of the preceding novels - smart, sarcastic dialog and tension-racheting action. I simply love everything about it. The characters are well drawn and come across like actual people. The situations that they find themselves in are authentic real-world scenarios, not over the top bigger than life, as many other books convey successfully. As much as I love these books I do feel a slight sense of apprehension as no character is entirely safe since each book tends to have a death or two. Often in surprising circumstances. I press on regardless as the world of Jackson Lamb and his intrepid second-string underlings is so worth the worry and possible upset. I just have to know what happens!
Here, we travel to Wales and a snow storm makes it even more perilous than normal. Things are changing not just in Slough House but at Regents Park too. The politicking and the backstabbing is in full flow. A real gem. Enjoy.
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