A guilty pleasure full of fun
If you are an adrenaline
junky who likes a good old fashioned space opera, The Stars Now
Unclaimed was written for you. An unadulterated guilty pleasure with a
grip of steel, this book is action packed and full of sarcasm. Two of my
most important criteria when indulging in a guilty pleasure. *Insert
cheeky grin here.*
In this novel we follow the adventures of a nameless heroine who travels the galaxy collecting 'gifted' children on behalf of the Justified. These special children started appearing after a pulse swept through space and set most planets back very far in their technological evolution. Far enough, for some, that they don't even have electricity much less space travel capability.
What's the best bit of this book? World building is right up there - and most impressive - but it would have to be the action. Our nameless heroine is not shy about risking her life or that of Scheherazade, her ship. She jumps right in to every situation with great tech and a soldier's heart and skill. We go from one fight straight to the next but it feels like riding a rolling coaster. It is all good fun and thoroughly exhilarating.
The characters were also important to the story. I loved the good-natured bickering, the variety of life forms our girl encounters, the easy comradery of the Justified and the big sense of good vs. evil. The Stars Now Unclaimed is a real gem. Perfect to take on holiday or just enjoy on a rainy day. It will take you places you wouldn't expect plus you will fully enjoy the journey.
In this novel we follow the adventures of a nameless heroine who travels the galaxy collecting 'gifted' children on behalf of the Justified. These special children started appearing after a pulse swept through space and set most planets back very far in their technological evolution. Far enough, for some, that they don't even have electricity much less space travel capability.
What's the best bit of this book? World building is right up there - and most impressive - but it would have to be the action. Our nameless heroine is not shy about risking her life or that of Scheherazade, her ship. She jumps right in to every situation with great tech and a soldier's heart and skill. We go from one fight straight to the next but it feels like riding a rolling coaster. It is all good fun and thoroughly exhilarating.
The characters were also important to the story. I loved the good-natured bickering, the variety of life forms our girl encounters, the easy comradery of the Justified and the big sense of good vs. evil. The Stars Now Unclaimed is a real gem. Perfect to take on holiday or just enjoy on a rainy day. It will take you places you wouldn't expect plus you will fully enjoy the journey.
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