A disturbing study of the darkest parts of human nature

⭑⭑⭑⭑  It's been a while since I read anything so penetratingly dark and disturbing. I can still feel the heavy emotions at work as this is a book that will linger with me for some time. No, this isn't a slasher thriller but a more subtle, painful exploration of what lies in the darkest parts of the human heart.

You Were Made for This begins with an idyllic family of husband, wife and baby who relocate to rustic Sweden, from the U.S., for a simpler life. On first glimpse, one might think Merry, the devoted mother and wife, is the perfect Suzy Homemaker but that couldn't be further from the truth. Look now at mildly overbearing father and husband, Sam. He seems a good enough chap but that too is a fiction. Ah, here is Frank, close childhood friend of Merry, who has come for a visit. A beautiful good time girl with a career and a busy life but what is her truth? This book explores what happens between these three characters and their deepest darkest secrets. We learn far more than we might wish as we plumb the hidden feelings to find the source of the strong resentment present in all.

This book is thoroughly depraved and disturbing in a quiet, sneaky way. Though it may seem civilized and friendly, in actuality Sam, Merry and Frank are more like caged animals unhappy with their lot in life. What builds up and transpires from this is heartbreaking and honestly soul crushing. Sadly, the reader can see this event unfold - thanks to the intelligence of the writing - yet hoping it will not come to pass.

This novel is shocking in its ability to expose the reader to unvarnished dark thoughts and deeds. So well crafted and both sympathetic and pointedly honest to the weakness in people, it is a terrific study of human nature. Difficult to read, at times, but worth the effort.


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