Purposeful sets you on the path to making change in the world

⭑⭑⭑⭑  I found Purposeful: Are You a Manager or a Movement Starter? an inspirational read. It strives to light a fire in all of us to do what we can to make a difference - no matter how big or small - and start a movement. Purposeful shares lots of stories of everyday, normal people who saw something unjust or wrong and explains what they did about it. These stories are heart felt, sometimes painful, and full of inspiring fortitude. So many movements grew well beyond the starter's expectations, honestly a thought provoking, positive read. You walk away from it thinking, "if they could do that, so can I!"

Not only do you read numerous success stories but also get a useful step-by-step guide on how to go about starting your own movement. Lots of rich advice from Jennifer Dulski's years in industry and many of her own stories of struggles and success. The one point that knocked a star off, for me, was the feminist-heavy undercurrent. There were more female-based stories than male and the general feeling of 'women are so oppressed' rankled a bit. No, I am not a feminist but I think all of us, regardless of gender, should support each other. Not because we are female but because we are all people. Be fair to everyone, give everyone a chance. Regardless of gender, race, religious beliefs, etc., help everyone you can.

Purposeful is an inspiring read I took a lot from. Thank you, Jennifer Dulski! I feel suitably inspired to make change happen.


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