Getting to know the sorceress Morgan better


 ⭑⭑⭑⭑⭑ John Steinbeck's glorious novel The Acts of King Arthur and his Noble Knights had a transformative power over my reading, having been assigned it in school. Much like Greek mythology, these stories had everything a young reader could want - moral complexity, adventure, danger, love, honour, good vs evil. Magical.

When I spotted Morgan is my Name, I knew I had to read it as it is has been ages since I last visited the world of King Arthur and looked forward to a retelling from the perspective of Morgan. Fair to say she is typically portrayed as a baddie so a novel developing her character and abilities into the formidable (villain?) sorceress was a no brainer. This novel did not disappoint. Rich with period-appropriate atmosphere, we join Morgan as a wild child in a happy household...until Uther Pendragon sets his eye on Igraine, upturning everything. Getting to know Morgan's thoughts and understanding her actions, as much as this book covers, made her a character worth investing in. She is strong, passionate and full of magical potential setting the ground work for her future self in later books. I love the code of chivalry and the structure of life in this period. I hanker after the simplicity of this age and it came across beautifully in Morgan is my Name. This is a great start to what promises to be an exceptional series. I look forward to reading more.


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